Village to Village Network Conference

Stephanie Chong

Earlier this month, Northwest Neighbors Village presented at the Village to Village Network conference. This annual event is an opportunity for Villages nationwide to come together to share best practices and network. I had the pleasure of participating on a multi-Village panel discussing our efforts to address equity and inclusion.

Villages across the country are exploring ways to attract members and volunteers that reflect the diversity of their community. It was interesting to hear colleagues share how strategic partnerships, adjustments to membership fees, and community outreach have been instrumental to making Village membership more accessible and inclusive. It was also eye opening to reflect on how NNV’s equity-focused work has evolved over the years. Here’s a quick snapshot:

  • 2020 - The pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement prompted our Village to find ways to reach more older adults in our neighborhood, and to become informed on issues of race and racism. NNV opened much of our programming to the larger community, including topics that explore the history of racism in our country.
  • 2021 - In an effort to create equitable access to Village services, the NNV board voted to waive the membership fee for eligible community members. In addition, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Working Group was established. The working group’s early tasks were to understand our neighborhood’s demographics and focus on creating the group’s priorities.
  • 2022 - NNV increased programming that highlights diverse perspectives. We also began developing relationships with Black neighbors and local leaders, as well as with organizations that serve neighbors with low income and food insecurity.
  • 2023 - NNV hired consultants to help us determine how to continue our work to become a more equitable and inclusive Village. As we move ahead with creating NNV’s new strategic plan, equity and inclusion is incorporated throughout.

These small steps are encouraging, and we still have more to do. We encourage you to get involved. To learn more, visit our website or contact the office at or 202-935-6060.

I was not the only NNV representative to present at the conference. Acting in her role as president of the DC Villages Collaborative’s Collaboration Council, NNV Vice President Morgan Gopnik participated on a panel on collaborative partnerships. Morgan addressed how this important collaboration strengthens our ability to support NNV members, while also expanding Village resources both for our members and for others across the city. Click here to learn more.

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Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.

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